The Culprit.

Enough is enough ! 

Yeah, I have said it ! 

And, I mean it ! 

I have had mud.. have tasted blood. 

My grave is dug...

But, I ain't dead punk ! 

Neither am I drunk ! 

Say what you feel ;

I have already gone through the drill. 

Go on... 

Fire away your canons ! 

I won't drop my jargons ! 


Watch me ... 

Watch me rise from the ashes. 


From behind my lashes... 

Awoke two eyes ; 

Dreamy like them skies ! 


They woke from a deep slumber...

Who's witnessed a blunder ! 


There was thunder 

Within the Hell under. 

There was no time to ponder. 

Her soul started to shudder... 

As lies melted like butter...

Amidst a mad clutter ! 

A culprit is exposed ! 

This calls for a toast ! 

I have reasons to boast, 


I haven't seen a ghost! 


I saw a Light, 

In the dead of a Night;

A high strung kite ... 

Taking its first Flight. 

What a sight! Alters the Plight! 

T'is brings relief and sigh. 


The Truth is never shy ! 

Reveals a special tie... 

Btw the one that feels and that thinks! 

This ain't no mystery like the Sphinx. 

(Neither are tales about the Kings.)

It's about how fear did the jinx ! 

The trick was finally unmasked. 

And, shall be brought to en masse. 

All along, Fear was the culprit!! 

Hidden in our emotional pit, 

Blinding fair eyes 

While courage dies... 

But, watches the clever spies~

Who are in disguise. 

They shatter these invisible walls, 

These projected malls... 

They break like china dolls . 

And, somewhere... a bell tolls ! 

Here, myths shatter...

Born out of fear batter. 

For, fear numbs ... 

And, a dream almost succumbs. 

Thus, Truth comes... 

Stumbling upon a few bumps; 

To rescue us ... 

Unveiling thus,

Teaching us... 

Before we cuss. 

And, thus... 


Oh! that required some nerves ! 

And, when she kicked fear's ass, 

Her soul woke up to the bass...

Followed by the trumpets of Victory !

Oh, this  shall become that moment in History, 

(That is a tale of Glory ); 

Which won't be shrouded in mystery ... 

But, which shall be told by Mastery ~

Of fine language 


Some Bailey beige ! 

                                                                    ~ Cheers ~ 


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