The 'paygam' of The Sufi Wanderer's Student.
You know it all...
You see it all...
I am just a warrior whom you have sent to spread Love and The word of Love -its Truth and Beauty.
And, Jah showed me the path even though your child was often lost all those days...
Therefore, I shall gather everyone I know and tell this tale. I am honoured,for, it all started from 'Thee'.
A ray of sunlight entered ... a crack, a world, a womb. And, when I awoke for the first time; a tiny ball of energy was gifted a pair of guardians ~ 'Farishtey' . They looked after it and now, she grew up to be a woman. Jah was so great that she was gifted two playmates as well. Then, she was also gifted her 'Tribe' which became her friends now and she was gifted all of them so that she could walk this path with joy & laughter ;along with tears and hardships. Then, Jah showed her the bad things so that she could understand that there also existed an opposite side of the world too. Jah waited while His child struggled through all these hard years. Of course, they made her tougher. After many battles , Jah was ready for her surprise. She had been loyal but a little too impatient. Being impatient was in her nature.
But so naive was she that she could hardly imagine what Jah had in stored for her. She was a little girl of fifteen again.
The Little girl met a Sufi wanderer one day. Little did she know that he was one of Jah's soldiers ~ a warrior who bravely bore many scars from his battles. But, she liked the fact that he wasn't one who shows off. And, she was too stunned and dazed at the same time to have realised that he was sent by Jah, Himself. But, everything changed that night. This was more than her reward for a decade of struggle. This was much more... and she experienced such miracle for the first time in her life. Of course, she had a lofty head~ she hadn't really thought much about how really this mysterious Universe worked. I hope Jah forgives her naivety. She had no clue at all.
A Sparkle. a Light. "What was that?", The Little Girl wondered. She had noticed something extraordinary in the Sufi's eyes. She could've not been mistaken! She knew it was nothing ordinary that happened with her and the Sufi wanderer because whatever it was, it had managed to touch her soul. And, she knew she had experienced something 'Divine' because the 'touch' felt divine and it touched her soul not her body ! She did not know why Jah had chosen the Sufi wanderer but she was more than happy that Jah always knew more than her about her likes and dislikes, even sometimes, more than herself too. So, she was happy. But, she knew that she saw Jah in them eyes. These are far from lies.
So, behold world !
For, Jah...
The Little Girl had the courage to embrace the wandering Sufi and offered him her company.
It is then that a new dawn arose.
So captivated was she in Your beauty that she forgot the rest when those sublime eyes looked into her. They penetrated with such depth that his dark irises became a point of focus. Her centre, she had finally found. And, because of which her physical form had ceased to matter for she fell into a deep hypnotic trance-state. And, gradually and willingly ~ both fell into a MEDITATION, that formed a Sacred union in the Eternity of Time, Space & the Universe. They were both naked. Their physically evolved form no longer was seen but what was a there was just pure Energy. They were only Energy! "What Maya?", She thought to herself. She couldn't believe it ! It was so sublime an experience that words had completely failed her. Yet, there was absolute harmony and there was no need for words.
In Maulana's words... this is precisely what happened :
" Entered the Light... through the Crack. "
And, when the Light from the Sufi wanderers eyes reached her soul through the cracks, she understood how great Jah's Love is. That very Love which in the form of Light entered through the cracks of her soul was so divine that it could only be a love like Jah's and not any other. She was convinced that Jah was not actually a Magician but an old, ancient, wise wizard. Jah, for her is the only true Alchemist. And, also the only true Alchemist there shall ever be. She had reasons to believe this one because she Jah touched her for the first time through the Sufi traveller. And, nothing was ever going to be same whether she liked it or not.
Maulana who is also known as the great scholar and poet Rumi, became a pioneer of Love who wrote brilliant zillions of verses after having met a Dervish Sufi called 'Shams of Tabriz'. Their relationship was unique and they were true companions of each other.
Just like that, The Little Girl had found The Sufi traveller her unique companion who she wanted for life because he made her feel like no other person ever made her feel. She did not know if ever the Sufi wanderer loved her the way she does but her Love for him was Divine, purely unconditional and genuine. The Sufi wanderer was just like Shams of Tabriz, wise beyond his age and who had brought the sunlight along with him . The wanderer's dark brown eyes were just like the clear waters of the Parvati Valley, meandering from mountain to mountain but, who , decided to halt in the valley for a while to rest. this valley was his Little Girl. And, he liked her so that that he decided to stay a few more days before they would finally part since a river's final destination is never a valley but an ocean. Jah grew so sad witnessing them part ways like that that Jah flooded the valley with His fat tears. So, The Little Girl and The Sufi Wanderer did not stay in touch for a good six months so that Jah won't be upset about them and also, in the meantime, the valley needed to be restored back to its original state.
Only separation taught them the value of such a rare encounter.
The Little Girl was to become a Sufi student of her Teacher, The Sufi wanderer. This was Jah's will. Jah had hand-picked one of His finest warriors to teach The Little Girl a thing or two about Spirituality, The World, the Universe, Jah and Love. And, The Little Girl still had no idea about any of these. She was way too naive and oblivious. But, all these happened so suddenly and unexpectedly that she did not want to question any of it all because it felt so good. She would dream about the Sufi Wanderer very often and would wonder if the Sufi also remembered her like she did. But, she also could not comprehend what 'Maya' was this that she did not feel the need to possess him to love him.
She saw the Sufi in everything ~ a flower, a child's innocent smile, a cat.... But, she loved him, sincerely, without telling anyone about it ~ like worshipping a God.
All of it were etched upon her emotion memory for ever. She remembered how all along, the Sufi Wanderer had the code hidden in his eyes. A code that would unlock her heart. Those eyes of the Sufi Wanderer broke open the locked doors of her fragmented and wounded soul. And, like Lava, the Golden fire burst into those cracks from the core of her being. The Sufi's gaze were that intense that created a friction in her core and a volcanic eruption took place, in the dead of a night... within the silent core of her being. Then, she became like the calm mountain who stands still ;witnessing the eruption in all serenity. Yet, nothing would remain the same within her. Her state of consciousness was altered immensely. Only such a 'Milnn' could cause such friction and cause a volcanic eruption.
And, she prayed to Jah.... Whom, she could not fathom. It was like a dream when she found her answers in her faith and the Sufi, in her embrace.
She looked up at the Skies and thanked Thee, Jah , for she knows deep in her heart that You are the Ultimate Al-Keemya-Eyah. And, she was grateful .
The Little Girl realised later that the encounter with the Wandering Sufi was unique because of things that seemed to have rolled out ever since her encounter with him . Jah, not only brought her Love and a companion but also a Teacher. For, through the Sufi; Jah taught the Little Girl who was ready to be a student. She was ready to be a warrior. She was ready to be one of them even though she never really thought about anything seriously in her life. The Sufi was her tribe. And, Jah couldn't have chosen a better Teacher and a companion for the Student.
For now, the current Lesson she was being Taught was 'Patience and Perseverance'.
The Sufi had saved her once. And, she felt that he was in some kind of trouble too. But, she could not reach him. She didn't know where he had gone and she could not be patient anymore for anxiety would eat her up. She really needed to help the Sufi. It was her KARMA, her duty to do so. She, his Student would protect him for all the days of her life and she would be forever indebted to him because the Sufi really touched her in the most profound way and she can never forget that Divine touch which always reminds her of Jah and His Eternal Love. How could she leave him alone ?
Of course, she knew that Sufi wanderers have a different life than most of a normal people. But, she could not help falling in Love with him. She wondered that the Sufi is on a sabbatical so that he could be with himself and arise with renewed hope and energy. She knew he was in hiding because he did not want anyone to worry about him. But, how could she not ? She would cry if she saw him sad and she would laugh if she saw him happy. But, Jah was telling her in many ways that the Sufi is surely fine. But, she was only human in the end and she loses her mind because she is so forgetful . Why could not she be a little more patient and set the Sufi free so that he can explore this wide world and learn many things so that he could come back to her and narrate all those incredible tales of his travels. But, she feared if the Sufi has forgotten all about her ?
And.... she gets mad at herself, ridiculing her own self because she felt like a mad woman.
If the Sufi's Love wasn't Jah's Love. Then whose was it ? Whose Love could be that strong yet gentle that a soul fragmented for a decade long could be sewn back to a perfect whole and done so effortlessly and beautifully that the sewing scars showed only as a skilfully embroidered garment of Love, which the Sufi had adorned her heart with. They were the newly weaved armour for her heart that would keep from falling into pieces, ever again. Now, in the middle of winter, the cold remains. And, the Student awaits her Teacher from his long exile. She can't bear the pain in the Sufi's eyes for she cries herself to sleep when she remembers the fear and disappointment in the Sufi's eyes. But, she knew Jah won't let her down. All she can do is kneel in front of Jah and pray whole-heartedly for her Sufi Wanderer's well-being and good health.
It is a basic rule of Physics too. Thus, she sent out only positive prayers for the Sufi so that only positive outcome comes out of her prayers and that is that he must be well. healthy and happy. She fails often but she knows that Jah's soldiers are stronger than that ! And, when she loses hope, she often finds herself in the darkness. She was uncomfortable with darkness because darkness meant that decade of exile into Hell. And, she never wanted to go back there again. Especially, now that her companion her found her. He led her to Light for he is a true warrior of Light and a true, brave soldier of Jah.
You know why the Sufi is the Jah's warrior?
He is a Sufi who fights for Love and Peace. He is Jah's soldier and Jah's soldiers don't kill innocent children.Jah's soldiers don't rape women. Jah's soldiers don't ANNIHILATE ! Jah's enemies kill Jah's soldiers because they are too stupid to think that they are going to be the Ultimate Kings who would rule the world one day. But, they will never be able to succeed completely because Jah is the only true King, the one true Alchemist who shall rule for the rest of Time. Of course, Jah's enemy is the Dark Side, the Dark Force. These Dark Forces pull only in their dark side. The Devil is very cunning and finds opportunities in idle minds,for, the Black-clad commandos with their Black Flags want these good fighters gone!
But, for, we are the warriors of Light; we must remember that the Light we seek is us. We carry it. We emit it~just like any other celestial beings in this Universe. And, that's why we must NEVER forget to look at the night skies when we face Darkness, for, we are the Light we need. We are what we are looking for. It is all within us. And, even though pioneers of Love, Beauty & Truth have been beaten down, ridiculed, put in asylums, thrashed, humiliated , exterminated, sent to exile and executed ; We must never lose faith.
So many brave warriors of Jah have fought and laid down their lives. So what if their tombstones are not decorated with medals of Honour, We know that the only Honour is to fight for Love. Because, when somebody utters the phrase, 'Holy War', it always gets misunderstood and misinterpreted.
A Holy War is a fight for Love, Beauty & Truth. It is a war that does not involve annihilating entire civilisations, killing innocent children, burning down women at stakes, burning down houses and bombing hospitals. Why do we see more medals on some armed forces soldiers than the ones who fight for Love & Peace. I don't mean disrespect to all the army men who are recruited in the army to defend our country. But, don't we boast ourselves in being the 'most evolved creatures ' of all times?Then, why the hell are we still so primitive and barbaric when it comes to war ?! Negotiations among countries can be sorted out without war. We all know the devastating consequences caused by war all over the globe. History is testimony. Yet, some one or the other always wants to be on top. And, yeah.... I wanna ask who is more insane ? A person who believes in Love, who is fighting in order to preserve and sustain this planet of ours or that person who does not see ANYTHING apart from that illusionary Golden Chair , up - somewhere in his own Utopia land... where he counts all the Dollars and orders people to kill anyone who disobeys him ? And, seriously. The society is LEAST BOTHERED. Yeah, you might think what can possibly happen to you if someone else were behaving like a crazy maniac, ordering war on war over his over-priced I-Phone 7, may seem like he/she's got nothing to do with it. But everything affects everyone. We are just too ignorant to actually pay heed to all the alarm bells that have been going off since the past hundred years or so.
Only evolution of Technology definitely does not suffice the desired goals of a holistic evolution.
I came to write down this article because a certain 'Moth' paid my brains a visit. Here, a 'Moth' refers to a singular idea. And, these moths are so many of them that it would be impossible to sit down and start counting how many of them arrive to the brain station every minute or every hour. There are just zillions of them. But, certain 'Moths' stay back in a brain station if they are unique enough to the brain station and if they manage to survive within the brain station's chaotic jungle, they would be cultivated in isolation so that they would get an appropriate environment to nurture their growths and see what they become after they transform. Because, a fact about moths is that once they have survived in our brain stations, they are here to express something by transforming itself. Otherwise, the moth shall grow, transform and die within the station itself if they are not let out of the brain stations and kept there for a long time, they might potentially grow out of their own decay. However, it is always healthier to let the transformed moths fly away into the open space of the world and the Universe. Probably by doing that, we would know what the moth was really trying to say or express and how its transformation could teach us many, many things. Because, we know nothing. We can learn something new everyday. And, even though this whole process sounds very technical, it is actually very spontaneous and done within a blink of an eye. Therefore, it isn't as technical as a job interview. These 'Moths' don't get recruited by the Brain Stations. They have automatic understanding to what suits and what not. That's when a potential moth come by, nibbling on your brain station... it might cause you to become curious. And that's it ! That's the beginning of everything !
Curiosity and questions ! And, even this ~ this is a work of Jah's. I definitely did not put an idea into my own head. It just came floating to me. If that aint supernatural then I don't know what is!
And, I feel that these ideas or 'moths' are meant to be set free because like everything in the world, there is a purpose. Perhaps, the transformed moth would fly away into the world and find other moths who has transformed themselves and like that, they could connect. We are all interconnected. That's the scene. And, as a warrior of Jah ~ I believe in this Oneness. For, this Oneness is the spell that would keep us all together in harmony. If the Universe was in such a state of harmony, there probably would be much better and purer manifestations of everything. Just a theory! (Don't worry, this is fiction) . When the Dark Force comes, we are distracted from our real goals and dreams. And, we so shamelessly lift our heads toward the sky and shout Jah's name and blame it all on Him.
Why ??????!!!
Why is it so easy to blame God for everything but not even have the courage to stop or condemn people, tyrants who wage wars for money who kill innocent children and which produces the worst situation for everyone in the name of terrorism, poverty, economic turmoil, unemployability and what not !
And, why curse people and blame an entire community for the sins committed by only a few who don't know anything about Religion but are so ignorant to the point where they have convinced themselves that 'God' wants them to 'annihilate' people and kill innocent children.
Ask me!! Or anyone !!!! Anyone's who has felt DIVINE LOVE.
Ask warriors of this Divine Love.
For, my Religion is LoVe. And so is every Religion trying to preach and teach the world ! The ways of Love and only Love !
It is the people of the Dark Forces who have borrowed these Holy texts and interpreted them in their own twisted ways. This happens anywhere that we find Radicalism. For, Jah's purpose for us is to love and only love so that we can sustain our Earth and keep sustaining Life.
Some more questions :
Why was Socrates murdered? Why was John Lennon shot dead ?
Why is Julian Assange still in the Ecuadorian Embassy in the U.K as a political prisoner ?
Why is Edward Snowden still kept in captivity?
They are fighters of Truth, Justice, Beauty and Love.
Yet, what do we do as the new bie generation, huh???
Even with such a mass explosion called the internet broke our generation yet we are still so ignorant. Why ??????
Are we really, the most evolved species to walk on the face of the Earth ???
The ancient Egyptians were far more advanced and EVOLVED than us so there is nothing to be proud of as a generation of 2017 and we have nothing, absolutely nothing to offer to the future generations!
I am going to stick to my duty and that is doing what Jah wants me to do and that is to spread Love, Awareness, Truth and Beauty. And, of course ~ ASK QUESTIONS !
I know, truth can be found if we look deep inside our hearts and that's how all of a sudden, a moth was born out of thin air, like magic. The moth is the one through which I am discovering ,acknowledging , analysing and recording raw lessons that are currently being unfolded through these pages . I have come to realise that having a very self-involved thoughts are the cancer to mankind , which affects the Eudaemonic state of Existence; which probably is a most ideal state of existence. The precise goal of staying more connected with the world is to forget about yourself sometimes and ponder upon the world as One Being. Perhaps, one day , an Egalitarian Dream won't remain a dream anymore. Anyway, I shall explain these 'moths'. They came because I raised questions. Two questions :
1.) What are ideas ?
2.) How do some of them stay and the rest vanish as swiftly as they arrived?
These 'Moths' started to appear. And, I have already explained why some of them stay and some of them vanish. However, according to me ~ I see an idea as a 'moth' that has potential to transform itself into a butterfly. But, it depends also on the host station, how this particular 'moth' has been nurtured. This will also show a clear picture of my psychological state of mind.
Therefore, after reading this article, you can judge because only my readers can judge me. hehe.
Why can't we appreciate marvels like this ? An idea swiftly comes to visit you. How wonderful and marvellous ! Yet, we worry about petty stuff like for instance, this aunty who lives upstairs worrying about my dressing sense or whatever. Apologies, Could not find a better example! Yeah, am not much of a realist (if you wanna call me that). But.... this article is to precisely condemn that old school of thought. We have circled ourselves in a vicious circle that revolves around these real man-made complex structures which are rigid and unnecessary. Such rules only suit some and they don't work Universally. How often do we forget that we have immense diversity on our planet. And so some of these moths are basically slaughtered sometimes and crushed under these RIGID, NORMS AND that which binds us (UNFORTUNATELY) in a very mean-minded society where the meaning of true FREEDOM ceases to exist. All these would surely kill all the moths. The reason why am talking about this in this manner is because we forget that our thoughts and ideas are what make us unique and that's why I would be happy if you are not buying me on face-value while reading this article. Congratulations ! You have a unique way of thinking and are curious!WE DESPERATELY NEED A MORE OPEN AND ACCEPTING WORLD. We cannot evolve positively until we KILL IGNORANCE. That's probably our last resort, I reckon so that we could sustain our Existence and also TO TRY AND LEAVE A MORE BEAUTIFUL WORLD THAN WHAT WE WOULD'VE LIVED , FOR OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS TO COME . They are immensely vital for the sustainability of our Earth's survival. And, WE NEED A BETTER AND A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT (LITERALLY AND METAPHORICALLY AS WELL.) But thank God that we still have our brains intact and that we can think and be curious. Imagine, if our generation lost that as well! It would be a massive disaster and the mankind will fail and deteriorate terribly. And, this is not something that shall "most likely happen in the future". As, Noam Chomsky's famous theory of "MANUFACTURING CONSENT" goes, we almost lost our CURIOUSNESS to the T.V.! Therefore, We need different ideas from different individuals who can come together in harmony so that we all can help solve this massive Rubik's Cube. I am aware that I am just another energy born into this Existence and my existence affect none of ya'll but this article's aim is not to IMPACT ya'll. It is more personal than you could guess. I was initially convinced that I am total BERSERK because of these random thoughts and ideas, which I thought were just a part of my weird brains. But, ever since I got exposed to some mystical stuff, I have started to take them seriously now. And as I write, I know that a Higher Power is guiding me.And, I was meant to write this piece and put it out there in the world. I don't care what happens after but I hope that it serves its purpose!
Of course , you think am coo-coo ! I would too!
But, if any of the mysterious things did not happen to me... and if I stayed in constant denial, that my logical brain was telling me otherwise (which I obviously trust because it has saved me a lot of times) ~ I would not have written about any of these . But I must do my duty for Jah wants me to write the story about The Wandering Sufi and his Student. And, I don't know why Jah wants me to write this story but I believe in Him. Thus, I shall continue with His Will until I am asked to stop.
Their story is so unique yet strange . They don't even talk all the time and have not met since a year and a half and yet there is beauty even in their pain... The Student believed deep in her heart that one day... the Sufi Wanderer would surely return and teach her all he knows from his journeys and embrace her once more to make up for all the lost years that they would've spent apart and they would be free together, once again ,where there would be more wine and laughters to also make up for the tears shed during their separation. Jah knew she was ready...and that's why Jah sent for him. But, that was just the beginning! Who knows what was going to unfold next ? Probably only Jah knows. For, He is always Mysterious . Nevertheless, The Sufi was happy to have met her still . And, he smiled in such a way that was a blend of gladness and surprise as if he had been half-expecting her....somehow! Will they make it ?? Will they ever meet again ?? Can they also love as much as all those great pioneers did ? Will the Teacher and the Student reunite ??
Only Time would tell...
But.... She knows him... She knows his heart.... And for the Sufi ~ she would do it a thousand times over !
And, she hardly cared whether people called her insane or not .
So, question :
What is insanity ?
I personally, would agree with George Orwell on matters of insanity.
The dictionary describes an 'insane' person as "being in a state of FRENZY".
"'FRENZY' means mental agitation, wild excitement or a fit of violent mental excitement".
Interesting definition of something. Isn't it?
Now, let's try and make sense of this mess created here.
A chance.
An equal opportunity.
It is our birth right . A much deserved one.
(And, if you're reading this then yay! You have made it ! Whoever of us that are here, however we are, wherever we are~ we have been able to sustain Life for this long within the Universal Human Standard Time, within this constantly active Universe ~ Here we are , who just happened to planet Earth (Or, did we?) after, God Knows, probably even after millions of light years even, we stuck around for good. And, what do we do to ourselves , our mankind and to our own existence ?!)
We could ask ourselves :
Who are we to say whether anyone is sane or not ?
Who are we to give rights to anyone when we were "born free and equal'?
Who are we to take a Life ?
A chance called 'Life' was gifted to each of us . Life is free-flowing energy . That is all of us. We all are from One source. However, there are still some who would choose hatred, ignorance, violence from the Dark Side and they will try to fight Jah's warriors who are fighting for Love, pEACE, HARMONY, pROSPERITY, tRUTH AND bEAUTY.
There used to be once a philosopher called Aristotle from Greece , who changed so many things for the better because he thought differently. He influenced the workings of an entire civilisation and many civilisations that were yet to arrive after his time. He was also a warrior of Truth, Knowledge,Beauty and Love.
He was a single individual who could influence so many people , generations after generations.
If Aristotle could do it , why can't we bring about a solid change...? Any kind of change that needs to be carried out for a better and a more amazing world to live in. I believe that it is truly possible to have an ' Egalitarian Dream' come true . This is the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY that I want for me and for all of us and I am more than lucky to be able to use this CHANCE (Life), in working towards achieving that goal. And, this is also my Karma, for ,I am Jah's soldier. I hope for more Love, Peace and Understanding for 2017 for our entire Existence. Therefore, we must stop blaming Jah for all the mess that we witness in our worlds. It is our responsibilities. We cannot let History repeat itself, for the umpteenth time or something. We definitely do not need any more wars and catastrophes because we already are in that state. Perhaps, it is Time to pick up the rubbles from the ruins and build stronger foundations for our future fellow generations. We have to learn from our ancestors. This might sound too dreamy and nearly impossible, we it is definitely possible. We all have to stay open to Love and stay connected . Just think about it .... Would not our Earth be glorious if each and every one were treated well and equally? This is not even something to request for. Because, an Egalitarian society is our birth-right. Each of us who made it here deserve respect, dignity, love and this beautiful miracle called Life. And, EGALITARIAN ,meaning for everyone ! That means ~ all creations of Jah or whatever name is preferred( for those who do believe in a Higher & an unknown Spiritual Energy /Supreme Power). For me, it is 'Jah'.
It is Jah's Time!
Let us say goodbye to the Dark Times & the Dark Ages!
My Jihad is for an 'EGALITARIAN WORLD' for the Love of JAH' and our entire Existence.
Hallelujah !
So, here lays the wobbly moth's transformation, engraved on this article which I have set free by publishing it and fulfilling the moth's final wish. Therefore, I sincerely hope that this moth has made sense of itself. Therefore, I hope I also have done justice to the moth . Personally, this moth has allowed me to experiment because as it was a rather wobbly one . Since, this is new for me too ~ I dedicate this article solely to my readers. I sincerely hope that you enjoy reading it and that you are able to take something good or positive out of this article because this shall be the last article of January,2017. Cheers !!
~Always keep Love in your hearts~
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