My passion

Passion is doing something that drives you,something that makes you feel alive. Some people would love painting, some might say that mountain climbing is their passion and for others- collecting works of Art. 

However,mine is not that dramatic.

What makes me feel alive is travelling-to be on the move from place to place, learning about different peoples ,their cultures, foods, their roots. 

Why is travelling my passion ?

1.) I am an outdoor person.  I love to just stay out of my house!

2.) "The whole world is my oyster!"

3.) The more you go places, the more you learn and feel connected to peoples from all walks of life.

4.) Your perspective would become  broader and you would see the world in new light

5.) There is nothing more exciting that wanderlust!

6.)Travelling can be a great career option too, even cool ! Not your regular 9-5 job! 
Anthony Michael Bourdain-world renowned chef,writer,travel journalist and T.V personality

7.)When we read a book, we travel places we had never been to through the descriptions of the authors, I read immensely and I love adventure. Therefore, I decided I want to have my own share of adventures like how Indiana Jones had so that I can travel places I have never been to and write about my encounters, however beautiful or grotesque they may turn out to be.


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